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An overview and education about JavaScript

 Learning JavaScript can be a daunting task for anyone, especially those with limited programming experience. However, with the right resources and dedication to learning the language, it is possible to learn JavaScript in an efficient and effective manner. The first step in learning any coding language is understanding basic concepts such as variables, functions and data structures. Once these concepts are understood then one can move on to more complex topics such as object-oriented programming or web development using frameworks like ReactJS or AngularJS. Additionally there are many online courses available that provide comprehensive tutorials on how to use different aspects of JavaScript from beginner level up through advanced topics such as building full stack applications using NodeJS and Express framework. Finally once you have a good grasp of the fundamentals it’s important practice writing code by completing projects which will help solidify your knowledge while also giving you tangible results that demonstrate your progress over time . There are numerous websites offering project ideas ranging from simple games written in pure JS all the way up through creating entire web applications utilizing modern libraries & frameworks like Vuejs & GraphQL Apollo Server.. By taking advantage of these resources along with dedicated practice anyone can become proficient at coding JavaScript quickly!

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